English Shqip


Terms of use of KosovoPass.com (hereinafter "the Terms") set forth the rules governing the relationship of cooperation between you as a user and KosovoPass.com. These terms and conditions set forth a mandatory contractual relationship between you as a user and KosovoPass.com, so please read them all carefully.

By using and using the services of KosovoPass.com, you agree to fully comply with your obligations arising from these terms, if not then please do not use the services of KosovoPass.com.

Content and copyright
- KosovoPass.com on this platform presents various content including textual content, graphics, images, audio and video content, software or software parts, all content is created specifically for this platform by KosovoPass.com, as well as an extremely important content is the content of third parties including the content of operators who offer their products and services through KosovoPass, com.
- The copyrights and operators that are part of the platform are protected by the law on copyright of the Republic of Kosovo. Also if you believe that any content published on KosovoPass.com infringes the copyrights of any party and has been published without approval, then please contact us as soon as possible.

User account and activity on KosovoPass.com
- You as the user are responsible for managing your account. Access to your KosovoPass.com account is done through "email" and "password", the management of your account, your profile and your password is done exclusively by you and only you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password , as well as agree to be responsible for all activities performed under your account and your password. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities executed from your account.
- Managing your account means your right to close your KosovoPass.com account at any time
- If KosovoPass.com suspects that your activity on this platform is against the law, or offends, despises or violates the rights of other users or third parties, or is contrary to the terms of use of the platform, then KosovoPass.com reserves the right to suspend your account on this platform without notice.
- You as a user have the absolute right to evaluate used products that you have purchased through KosovoPass.com, your evaluations are public and will remain so as long as they are not offensive, malicious, objectively unrealistic or with unacceptable content.

Formal communication between the parties
- All notifications regarding the account, activity, reservations and transactions of the user on KosovoPass.com, as well as the official communication between the user and KosovoPass.com are made through electronic communication through the platform or e-mail. The user authorizes KosovoPass.com to send emails and SMS (to the email address and mobile number that is part of the user account) to the user for any notification and communication.

Suspicious transactions
- KosovoPass.com has the right at any time to reject or cancel a financial transaction initiated by the user. If there is a suspicion of possible misuse, unauthorized transaction, possible credit or debit card fraud, or there is a suspicion that the transaction is illegal, then KosovoPass.com has the right to immediately reject and cancel the transaction.

Dispute resolution
- Any dispute or claim that may arise in connection with this contract, including termination of the contract, partial or complete breach of contract or otherwise, the parties must refer to the competent Court in Pristina.
- The applicable law is the law of the Republic of Kosovo.
Acceptance, entry into force and change of conditions
Acceptance of these conditions creates a binding contractual relationship between the parties.
- The conditions take effect on the date of registration on the platform, in which case it is mandatory to accept these conditions otherwise the account can not be created.
- In the case of changed terms, as you continue to use the platform further you as a user accept and fully agree to the changed terms.


- "KosovoPass.com" or "Seller" - Ventiox Sh.p.k - Kosovo
- "User" or "You" - The natural person on whose behalf the reservation was made and tickets were generated with the right to use the product of the operator which is offered through KosovoPass.com
- "Service Provider" or "Service Operator" or "Operator" - Natural or Legal person who offers the product, activity or event and performs the service which can be booked through KosovoPass.com
- "Parties" - "User" and "KosovoPass.com" and "Operator"
- "Contract" or "Contract" or "Agreement" - Contract for booking services of products offered on KosovoPass.com
- "Ticket" - means the ticket that confirms the reservation and the right of the user to use the product or service as defined in the ticket.
- "Product" or "Activity" or "Event" - Means the product for the use of which the reservation is made and the ticket is purchased.
- "Reservation" means the order by the user at least one ticket and at least one product, and represents the time interval from the moment of placing the order on KosovoPass.com until the moment of confirmation of the online payment by the bank.
- "Time limits" are time limits that define the date of commencement of the contract, the date set for the use of the product and the date of termination of the contract and contractual relations between the parties, then sets the time limit for confirmation of booking, time limit for generation of the ticket, the time limit for the user`s right to cancel the ticket and the time limit for eventual reimbursement of funds.
- "Refund" means the full or partial refund of the payment to the user in case of cancellation of the ticket or activity.
- "Operator Terms" - means the terms set by the operator for product users. When purchasing the ticket, the user is presented with the terms of the operator and the consent and approval of the user with these terms is required. The user ticket is not valid as long as the user has not agreed to the operator terms.

Concerned by us between the contracting parties with {contract.date ën date of booking the ticket between:

- Ventiox Sh.p.k, limited liability company registered according to the laws of the Republic of Kosovo, with address Rr. Bekim Fehmiu nn, 10010 Çagllavice, Kosovo, with business registration number 8000000 and fiscal number 6000000


- User {contract.user}, "User".

together in this contract referred to as the "parties"

Article 1 - General provisions
1.1 KosovoPass.com is a digital platform launched by Ventiox Sh.pk that aims to provide the opportunity for booking and online purchase of tickets for various products, activities or events offered in the Republic of Kosovo by various watchmakers who have listed their products on KosovoPass.com

1.2 KosovoPass.com has contracts with the Operators of all products offered for purchase on this platform and based on these contracts provides operators with space and tools for efficient management of their products on this platform, offering full independence to operators for management of schedules or appointments when the service is provided, the prices at which the service is provided and the conditions of the operator under which the service is provided.

1.3 After purchasing the ticket for the purpose of professional realization of the service, all communication until the successful use of the product is realized between the user and the product operator, excluding KosovoPass.com from any communication between them.

1.4 This contract has the sole purpose of defining the commercial relationship between the user and KosovoPass.com, while the product usage relationship is defined by the contract for the terms of use of the product defined by the operator and accepted by the user.

1.5 No third party shall enjoy or exercise any rights under this contract without the consent of the parties, except for the rights and obligations set forth in the contract between KosovoPass.com and the User-related Operator, which are referenced and in the Contract.

1.6 If any provision of the contract is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by the court, the other provisions shall remain in force.

1.7 The contract contains the full understanding of the parties and is concluded with the desire and full agreement of the parties to the terms of the contract, this contract prevails over any other written or verbal communication between the parties.

1.8 This contract creates a binding contractual relationship between the parties

Article 2 - Object of the contract
2.1 The object of this contract is the ticket generated by KosovoPass.com with number {contract.ticket}, on behalf of the user {contract.user}, for the use of the product {contract.product} provided by the operator {contract.operator}.

Article 3 - Time limits
3.1 The contract enters into force at the time of ticket purchase through the KosovoPass.com platform.

3.2 The contract will expire at the moment of using the service by the user.

3.31 The time limit for ticket cancellation as well as the conditions of ticket cancellation are defined by the product operator, these terms are clearly presented during the booking process on the platform and upon acceptance of the terms of purchase the user agrees to these terms defined by the operator. . Each time the user logs in to the platform and opens the purchased ticket I can read these terms.

Article 4 - Rights and obligations KosovoPass.com

4.1 KosovoPass.com is obliged to provide equal access for all its customers to purchase tickets for products, activities and events offered by the operators on this platform.

4.2 KosovoPass.com is obliged to provide the user with an electronic ticket for the use of the product after each successful purchase. KosovoPass.com is obliged to send the ticket to the user via e-mail to the email address specified during the purchase for the user and to send the same via SMS to GSM the number specified during the purchase for the user.

4.3 KosovoPass.com is obliged to provide opportunities for evaluation of the used product for all users who have used the product they have purchased through KosovoPass.com

4.4 KosovoPass.com will try to minimize the time of booking until the confirmation and generation of the ticket, this time depends on the time of confirmation of the successful payment processing by the bank that processes the payments.

4.5 KosovoPass.com cannot be held responsible for cancellations or changes in schedules and dates which may arise as a result of the terms of use of the product set by the operator.

4.6 In case of cancellation of the product, activity or event by the operator, for the ticket for which the user has paid through the platform, KosovoPass.com is obliged to provide a full refund to the user for the amount paid for the canceled ticket.

4.7 KosovoPass.com cannot be held responsible for any omission, change or violation by the operator, or non-compliance with the rules by the user. Also KosovoPass.com can not be held responsible for the quality of service provided by the operator, therefore there is a mechanism for evaluating each product by the user and the same is public.

4.8 KosovoPass.com has no legal obligation for any kind of compensation of material or non-material damage to the user, except for the refund of the ticket price and respecting the terms of the refund on the ticket.

4.9 KosovoPass.com has no legal obligation for any kind of compensation of material or non-material damage to the operator in case of any damage caused by the user during the use of the product, activity or event.

Article 5 - Rights and obligations of the user
5.1 The user is obliged to fully respect and act in full compliance without exception with all terms of the contract and with the terms set by the operator - Terms of use of the product, which represents the contractual relationship between the user and the operator.

5.2 The user is obliged that at the time specified by the ticket, during the presentation for use of the product to have with him the electronic ticket for presentation or printed on paper and to present an identification document with the same data as the data that are in ticket.

5.3 The user is obliged to respect and act on the instructions communicated in writing or verbally by the employees of the operator.

5.4 The user can cancel the ticket and leave by the operator in cases when the user does not follow the instructions of the operator, is drunk or under the influence of narcotics, endangers the safety of other users or third parties. Cancellation and exclusion in these circumstances does not entitle the user to file claims for change of product usage schedule, ticket refund or damages.

5.5 The User waives the rights to use legal remedies and can not file a lawsuit against KosovoPass.com for violations, non-compliance or other non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the operator.

Article 6 - Waiver of responsibility
6.1 KosovoPass.com assumes no responsibility for the safety of users and their property while using the product.

6.2 KosovoPass.com does not bear any responsibility for tax evasion, non-active holding of the operator`s license, non-compliance of the operator with the public obligations of the countries where the operator offers the product.

6.3 KosovoPass.com assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may arise in the relationship between the user and the operator, these issues represent the relationship between the user and the operator and as such should be addressed between them and without the involvement of KosovoPass. com.

6.4 The User waives the rights to use legal remedies and can not file a lawsuit against KosovoPass.com for violations, non-compliance or other non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the operator, and can not file a lawsuit for material or non-material compensation. material to KosovoPass.com as a result of non-compliance with the contract by the Operator or as a result of the actions of the operator`s staff or the operator`s subcontractors.

6.5 The Operator waives the rights to use legal remedies and can not file a lawsuit against KosovoPass.com for violations, non-compliance or other non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the user, and can not file a lawsuit for material or non-material compensation. material to KosovoPass.com as a result of any damage caused by the user while using the product, activity or event.

Article 7 - Suspicious transactions
7.1 KosovoPass.com reserves the right at any time to reject or cancel a user-initiated financial transaction if there is a suspicion of potential misuse, unauthorized transaction, possible credit or debit card fraud, or exists suspicion that the transaction is illegal, then KosovoPass.com has the right to immediately reject and cancel the transaction.

Article 8 - Ticket cancellation and refunds

8.1 Time limits, conditions and eventual reimbursement value for ticket cancellation are defined for each product separately by the operator. P contract.cancellations} KosovoPass.com is obliged to act according to the conditions defined by the operator and accepted by the user for any cancellation made by the user.

8.2 The user and the operator by agreement between themselves can change the schedule set for the use of the product, in this case a new ticket is generated for the user.

Article 9 - Personal data
9.1 KosovoPass.com will manage and maintain the personal data of the user in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal Data Protection (No. 03-L / 172) of the Republic of Kosovo.

9.2 KosovoPass.com is committed to making reasonable efforts to keep all sensitive platform information secure and to comply with all security requirements including physical, identity and IT standards.

9.3 Upon written request the user may request the closure of the user account and the deletion of all user personal data from KosovoPass.com. Such requests will be executed by KosovoPass.com no later than the next business day upon receipt of the request.

Article 10 - Major Power
10.1 In case of failure to deliver the product, postponement of the product schedule, complete cancellation of the ticket, failure to fulfill the contractual obligations by either party as a result of an event caused by a force majeure (event beyond the control of parties), neither party is considered to have violated or breached the contract, therefore neither party can be held liable and the parties can not raise claims against each other. Events caused by major powers include, but are not limited to: wars, demonstrations, earthquakes, floods, fires, epidemics, quarantines, embargoes and other events beyond the control of the parties.

Article 11 - Settlement of Disputes
11.1 Any dispute or claim that may arise in connection with this contract, including termination of the contract, partial or complete breach of contract or otherwise, the parties will refer to the competent Court in Prishtina.

11.2 The applicable law is the law of the Republic of Kosovo.

Article 12 - Formal communication between the parties

12.1 All notices regarding this Agreement, the user transactions related to the ticket generated by KosovoPass.com, as well as the official communication between the user and KosovoPass.com are done through electronic communication through the platform or e-mail. The user authorizes KosovoPass.com to send emails and SMS (to the email address and mobile number given by the user when booking the ticket) to the user for any notification and communication.

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